Astagfirullah.. Ampunkan dosa2 kami, berkati kami YA ALLAH :)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Im tired and feel hopeless to stand alone for myself.

as title above, please dont make me stress!

Saya sudah cukup stress dengan the fact that im still not pregnant
the fact that everyone else has their own good news, while im still waiting
the fact that everyone else keep asking have u conceived??

Sebab tu saya berusaha untuk minta nasihat DOKTOR PAKAR though the cost is high
Sebab tu saya sanggup makan apa-apa saja ubat yang doktor bagi walaupun saya sedar kesan-kesan dia.

Sebab tu saya sanggup buat APA SAHAJA untuk saya dapat preggy
Tolong jangan sia-siakan usaha saya..
Saya perlukan orang untuk sokong usaha saya..terutamanya SUAMI sendiri
Siapa lagi yang boleh bantu untuk saya pregnant kalau bukan suami saya?
Tolong FAHAM, BELAJAR dan TAMBAH ILMU pasal ilmu pregnancy
Saya sudah penat berusaha sendiri-sendiri

EGO and your JOB does not make a baby
LOVE, CARE, UNDERSTANDING..that's what make a baby
Regretting later is too late.

You want me to have baby from your gene, but you keep on giving reasons. So how can I conceived yours?

You should also aware that Stress is not good for me, really NOT GOOD! my medical history has shown how stress has disturbing my cycle.
You should also aware im a sensitive woman, I wish i had anyone else to turn to when im cry, but you as my husband does not understand at all. If u cant understand me better, so who will?

Please understand, you are responsible for ur own wife, for my feeling, for my healthy.. How come you just let me consume/have anything without considering any bad effect later happen on me.

Just for you know, I think this is my last time to put effort on this pregnancy things. Im tired and feel hopeless to stand alone for myself.

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